2 New and Used Mazda Mazda3 Cars for Sale in Salem, OR
Mazda Mazda3 for sale in Salem OR
Salem is the capital of Oregon and has the nickname 'The Cherry City'. Visit this wonderful city while driving around in your Mazda Mazda3. Salem is located right on the Willamette River which you can enjoy from the Riverfront Park located downtown. This park is also home to the annual World Beat Festival. Bush's Pasture Park is another nice outdoor attraction that offers trails, playgrounds, picnic areas, and tennis. The Oregon State Fair is held in Salem at the Oregon State Fairgrounds. There are also two annual film festivals, the Mid-Valley Video Festival and Salem Film Festival. Downtown you will find a variety of museums including the Mission Mill Museum, the Hallie Ford Museum of Art and the Prewitt-Allen Archaeological Museum. You can catch touring bands over at the Salem Armory Auditorium. Salem is home to many wineries which includes Oregon's oldest winery, Honeywood Winery. Enjoy all Salem has to offer from the comfort of a new Mazda Mazda3.
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Mazda Mazda3 for sale in Salem OR
Salem is the capital of Oregon and has the nickname 'The Cherry City'. Visit this wonderful city while driving around in your Mazda Mazda3. Salem is located right on the Willamette River which you can enjoy from the Riverfront Park located downtown. This park is also home to the annual World Beat Festival. Bush's Pasture Park is another nice outdoor attraction that offers trails, playgrounds, picnic areas, and tennis. The Oregon State Fair is held in Salem at the Oregon State Fairgrounds. There are also two annual film festivals, the Mid-Valley Video Festival and Salem Film Festival. Downtown you will find a variety of museums including the Mission Mill Museum, the Hallie Ford Museum of Art and the Prewitt-Allen Archaeological Museum. You can catch touring bands over at the Salem Armory Auditorium. Salem is home to many wineries which includes Oregon's oldest winery, Honeywood Winery. Enjoy all Salem has to offer from the comfort of a new Mazda Mazda3.