Cars for Sale in Nebraska

Nebraska. Birthplace of one our country’s greatest presidents, and truly one of the greatest leaders to ever take power in the world. Nebraska may be one of the lest “exciting” places in the United States of America, but it will always and forever have the benefit of being known as the point of origin for Abraham Lincoln.

What is remarkable about Nebraska is how so much of it has changed. When Major Stephen H. Long traversed the region in 1820, he described it as “The Great American Desert.” But as more people migrated Westward, the region was transformed and eventually became known as the Great Plains and is now considered to be America’s Breadbasket.

With so much wide open space, plenty of Nebraskans find it a necessity to drive a lot. They drive on the interstate, which Nebraska was the first state in the nation to complete its segment of the mainline interstate system, which comprised 455 miles of four lane highways. The average Nebraskan will travel about 14,000 miles annually, while 930 dealerships with cars for sale will collectively net $4.66 billion in new car sales.

Just be sure that when you’re in Nebraska and driving through the mountains that you don’t drive recklessly. That’s against the law. (Even though there are no mountains to be found in Nebraska.)

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