Cars for Sale in Iowa
As the townspeople of River City (so snarkily) sang in Meredith Wilson's Broadway hit starring the inimitable Robert Preston, "You really ought to give Iowa a try." It's a quaint, laid back state. There's not a lot of excitement that goes on in Iowa, but that's about what you'd expect from a state that has corn fields for as far as the eye can see and beyond. ConAgra Foods, as well as a number of other food manufacturers are based out of Iowa (including Heinz, General Mills and Quaker Oats), and because of so much farmland, the state produces 19 percent of the nation's corn, 30 percent of its hogs and 14 percent of its eggs.
Of course, that much agriculture and manufacturing means lots of trucking and lots of roads leading in and out of the state, which is good for Iowa's drivers, of which there are quite a few (especially for a state so relatively small). There are 1,441 dealerships in the state with cars for sale, contributing $7 billion in new car sales, putting quite a few of the 3.3 million registered vehicles on the road and a total of 72,328 auto industry-related jobs to be found. Drivers log an average of 14,631 miles annually in all of those vehicles, to boot.
Fans of racing would likely want to check out Knoxville, as it's the location of the National Sprint Car Hall of Fame and Museum, the only place of its kind in the world dedicated to preserving the history of sprint car racing.
Just be sure not to throw your Red Ryder BB gun onto the highway in Mount Vernon. That's against the law. (Probably because you might shoot someone's eye out.)
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